As I write this particular newsletter article, I am also preparing to take some time off and wondering when I’ll get to doing my laundry, packing and writing a sermon (the plan is to leave immediately following worship on May 12). By the time you read this, all this last-minute stuff I’m dealing with will be old news, but right now I’m in the middle of multi-tasking.
Sometimes I think we have adapted multi-tasking as a way of life in our culture. Certainly, we don’t want to be thought of as lazy if we only have one thing on our plate to deal with, so we deal with many things at once. This, however, is not the best way to enjoy our days. Our Adult Conversations over the summer provide offerings to enrich our lives. The details can be found in this newsletter.
You are also well aware of the on-going needs for documented asylum seekers who are coming through Las Cruces. The numbers continue to rise each week. The City of Las Cruces has joined the Hospitality Coalition of churches to help provide shelter, food, showers, clothing and other needs before folks set out on the journey to join their sponsors. A shout out and thank you to each of you who have helped in this process.
El Calvario continues to be our partner church. El Calvario houses documented immigrants now 2-3 times a week. They are fed dinner when they arrive at the church and breakfast before they leave. They are given a backpack filled with items for the trip. They have showered and many replace worn out clothing and shoes with items that have been donated.
You can become directly involved. Mike Bureman and Julia Bruner can give you guidance on how to do that.
If you are unable to help in this way, there is always the donation station box that needs filling. The Donation Station Needs List has been updated and is also posted in this newsletter. Thank you all for your generosity and spirit of giving. FCC is truly a blessing in Las Cruces
Finally, many of you have met Karen and Ralph Holmes who had been visiting with us a few months ago. They will be moving to Las Cruces from Madison, Wisconsin. The Holmes have been members of Lake Edge United Church of Christ for many years. As a thank you for the Holmes’ involvement in outreach efforts at Lake Edge, a congregational offering was taken on their behalf and gifted to us. What a wonderful tribute of paying it forward.*
We have had contact with two people from Lake Edge, Paulette and Amy, because of the Holmes’ move to Las Cruces. In Amy’s email the door has been opened to developing a relationship between our congregations and that possibility is delightful. I understand they already have a good relationship with the folks at The Good Shepherd Church in Arizona. How divine!
All of this is happening before Ralph and Karen arrive. I am sure we will join together to give them a hearty FCC welcome when they get here and begin settling in with us.
*The Faith Action Committee decided to give the $200.00 donation to the HIV/AIDS Food Pantry as part of our on-going support to that particular important outreach. Their needs list has also been updated and can be found posted in this newsletter.
Wishing you a safe, restful and fun summer.