Our recent 50th year commemoration of Earth Day raised this question for me.
Webster’s definition of crisis includes these words and phrases: turning point for better or worse, disordered function, unstable or crucial time, decisive moment, critical phase. Webster’s synonyms for crisis include breaking point, crossroad, emergency, etc.
Creation Justice has published a workbook for churches: The title is “The Fierce Urgency of Now A Prophetic Christian Understanding of the Climate Crisis”. See: www.creationjustice.org/urgency.
“The Fierce Urgency of Now” is a phrase that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. deployed in his address at New York’s Riverside Church when he articulated his opposition to the Vietnam War.…”.
Urgency yes, despair no. Despair is the complete loss or absence of hope. Joanna Macy’s book, “Active Hope, How to Face the Mess We’re in without Going Crazy” has enlivened my spirit and strengthened me for our journey ahead.
From her work on environmental concerns she offers advice:
“With every theme we take up, there will be a range of possible pathways for actions in which we could play a role. …how do we choose where to invest our energy? The challenge is to listen for the vision that calls us most strongly…we will need to refine our focus….
We don’t make these visions happen—we just play our part in them.”
What are your dreams and visions for the future of our planet, and what roles can we at FCC play?
Until we are able to gather together in real time to talk about these things, please feel free to share your thoughts with me at: natille1307@gmail.com