The Search Committee for a Settle Pastor met for its’ first meeting on April 13 to hear input from both the UCC and DOC as to how best to proceed with our duties.
Based on that, we set out to recruit a new member, someone newer to the congregation who might be able to bring a new voice. We welcomed Erica McDowell at our next meeting the following week, and set the following as officers: Scott & Eric Hays-Strom will be Co-Chairpersons for the committee. Jack LeSage is our reporting secretary, Sue Lashley our Correspondence secretary (she’ll handle emails to and with candidates), and Erica McDowell as our Chaplain. Aletta Wilson and Sandy Weber round out our committee.
We are all as anxious as the rest of our congregation to get a new, settled pastor working here in Las Cruces. But one of our take aways from our weekend with Rev. Kim Fields-Haley and Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons is the importance of patience and taking our time to do it right. I hope you will bear with us as we move to find the pastor that God is calling to FCC in Las Cruces.